From Our Pastor

Hi Church,

At our last Semi-Annual Business Meeting, we voted to start fundraising for the new Fellowship Hall! We are excited to start this next phase in the building project and hope you are too!
If you or someone you know feels led to give to this project, you can do that online or via a check and designate the gift to "New Building Project." Just recently, I shared with a fellow Woodland resident about our building project, and to show his excitement and support, he grabbed his checkbook and wrote us a generous check! You never know who might want to help!
Some might want to give towards this in regular increments, others in sporadic lump sums, and others might be in a place where they can't give financial support, but they can give prayer support. Wherever you fall in that spectrum, please know that it will take us all working together to make this vision become a reality. I encourage you to get the word out and to look for ways that God is working through this whole process. 
That's all for now! 


For His Glory,
Dooba Eibensteiner

Living Hope Church - Lead Pastor


Building Project Fundraising Proposal

We will raise money to be placed in a designated account from July 21st, 2024 to July’s Semi-Annual Business Meeting in 2027. This would be approximately 3 years of fundraising. Depending on how close we are to our goal, an option to extend the fundraising timeline can be brought before the church.

The overall problem we desire to solve with a new building is 1) the long-term usability of the 300 & 400 buildings and 2) how to gather over 200 people in the same space for Living Hope ministries. We believe the Lord has opened doors for us to pursue a solution to these problems.

Our preferred solution is to raise $1,800,000 to pay in full for a new 5,000sf multi-purpose building that will be used as our new fellowship hall, a new gathering space for our children’s and youth ministries, and more.

However, we will be content with whatever God provides and we will be good stewards of whatever funds we receive.

If, at the end of 3 years, we do not have adequate funds to pay for the 5,000sf building, we will invest the funds we have received into the long-term usability and stewardship of the church buildings and property.

This approach truly leaves the outcome in God’s all-powerful hands.


Design Concept & Images


  • How big will the building be and how much will it cost?

About 5,000 square feet.
(For reference, the total square footage of the 300 and 400 buildings is about 4,500sf).

The cost will be about $1,800,000. If the price estimate changes, we will inform the congregation. 

  • Are the current images we have of the building going to be exactly what it looks like?

The images we have now are preliminary drawings, not an exact representation of what the building will look like. We can make adjustments, as costs permit, and as necessity and reasons present themselves.

  • Who is going to build it? Is there already a contractor picked out?

We have been working closely with CJB Construction. We have not signed any contracts with them to formally use them as the contractors, but they have been gracious and helpful in providing cost estimates and insights into the building process.

  • Will the money we raise go into a high-interest account?

Yes, we'd put the money into an account where we'd get the best rate of return.

  • Will we do special fundraisers for this?


  • Will we consider a loan if the building isn’t fully funded by the end of 3 years?

We are doing our best to avoid a loan. If a loan would be considered, we think there would need to be at a very low cost. If what we've raised in 3 years is reasonably far from our goal, we will pursue other options or extend our timeline for fundraising

  • Will we receive money from sources outside of the church?

Yes, as long as there aren’t strings attached to the gift.

  • If we get all the funds we need for the building before the 3-year timeframe, will we start the building phase?


  • If we don’t get enough money to fund the new building, what will happen to the money given?

We will use the money given to fix, enhance, remodel, and/or replace buildings, equipment, or rooms so that they are more user-friendly and able to last for years to come. 

  • How will we know how much money has been given?

We will have the amount posted and easily accessible to the congregation throughout the fundraising process.